Season opening date for the summer café:
Tuesday 21 June 2022
Opening hours summercafé:
Mandag - Fredag fra kl. 11.00 - 17.00
Lørdag - Søndag fra kl. 12.00 - 17.00
The menu consists of local food, fish burgers from Vardø VVG fish soup, Varanger shrimp for access, sandwiches, toast, bacalao, waffles, ice cream, cakes etc.
This year we also have a lot of exciting things on the drink map.
Take away: ordered by phone to Vardø tourist information:+47 407 00 400
Opening hours Vardø touristinformation:
Mandag - Fredag 0830 - 1700
Lørdag - søndag 0930 - 1700
Adress: Kaigata 18, Vardø, Norway
Contact: 407 00 400
Facebook Vardø Touristinformation
Facebook Varangerkokken